The Conservation Fund in the News

November 30, 2016
Williamsburg Yorktown Daily, 30 November 2016 – Federal and state officials celebrated Werowocomoco, an ancient town on the York River, as a new addition to the National Park Service Wednesday. Werowocomoco, a 264-acre site in Gloucester County, is the former capital of the Powhatan Chiefdom, according to a release from Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

November 25, 2016
Melanie Plenda, New Hampshire Union Leader, 25 November 2016 – Sally Manikian was a cat person. She didn't even like dogs, really. Until she met her first dog. "I grew up with only cats; I had no dogs in my life as a kid," said Manikian, owner and musher for the Shady Pines sled dog team in Shelburne, the White Mountains town east of Gorham. "When I did meet a dog they barked at me, they jumped at me. I just didn't understand them.

November 23, 2016
Caitlin McCabe,, 23 November 2016 – After a years-long battle over the fate of a sprawling tract in one of the region's fastest-growing towns, a prized 240 acres in southwestern Delaware County once destined for development has been saved after conservation and real estate groups reached an unexpected agreement.

November 17, 2016
Jen Lynds, Bangor Daily News, 17 November 2016 – One of the world’s largest tech companies and a top-ranked conservation organization who last year partnered to buy a large swath of land in southern Aroostook County are again joining forces to donate a conservation easement on the more than 32,400 acres known as Reed Forest.

October 28, 2016
Thurston Talk, October 2016 – Capitol Land Trust (CLT) recently took the giant step toward purchase of 100 acres for the ‘Inspiring Kids Preserve’ on Henderson Inlet in Thurston County. Launching a new approach to protecting key habitat while creating access for local education and outdoor experiences close to Thurston County communities, CLT purchased the first of two properties that will create the preserve via a bridge loan from The Conservation Fund.

October 24, 2016
The Dr. Oz Show, 24 October 2016 – Larry Olmsted debunks the myth that farmed salmon is bad to for you. Plus, he travels to West Virginia to investigate the Freshwater Institute and farmed salmon practices such as tank-based aquaculture.

October 20, 2016
Joe Hankins, Medium, 20 October 2016 – I work in West Virginia. That may seem an incongruous qualification for authoring a blog in a series uncovering and celebrating national connections to the Arctic. Some would point to the undeniable role of West Virginia as a fossil fuel producer and draw blaming ties to the warming of our globe’s most northern region. That is a connection, but there is plenty of science, politics and narrative already available on that one, so I’d like to take this opportunity to try to provide a different perspective. By looking more closely at these two places and using a little history — both the natural and the social kind — I hope to use this post to highlight where the Arctic and West Virginia have some common ground, and the challenges and opportunities they both face.

October 19, 2016
Cyrus Moulton, Worcester Telegram, 19 October 2016 – Town meeting voters Monday unanimously approved the purchase of 12.51 acres adjacent to the last remaining farm in West Boylston.

“The 12.5 acres is great just by itself, but it is attached to more than 100 acres of conserved land (and that) is very, very interesting, and it is the last operating farm in West Boylston,” said Colin Novick, executive director of the Greater Worcester Land Trust.