Curtis Crouse

Research Support Specialist, Freshwater Institute

Curt CrouseCurtis Crouse is a Research Support Specialist at the Freshwater Institute. He is responsible for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems operation and management, constructing experiment set-ups, developing sample collection and analysis methods, and compiling and summarizing research results in reports, presentations, and industry and peer-reviewed articles. In 2020, Curtis was recognized by Hatchery International as a Top 10 Under 40 hatchery professional. Before coming to the Freshwater Institute, Curtis managed zebrafish research systems and worked at a fish hatchery for a state department of natural resources. He holds a Master of Science in Zoology from Southern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences from the University of Maryland.

Contact:   Phone: 304-876-2815 ext. 226   Office: Freshwater Institute, National Headquarters (WV)