Holly Cannon

Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Holly CannonHolly provides The Conservation Fund with legal advice on transactional and corporate matters, with a focus on environmental and natural resource issues. She joined The Conservation Fund in 2014, following more than 30 years with Beveridge & Diamond, P.C., where she was Managing Principal from 1996 to 2001. 

Holly’s work for The Conservation Fund is concentrated in the areas of mitigation, conservation real estate and carbon offset development and trading. While in private practice, she helped clients nationwide from virtually every economic sector navigate issues arising under environmental and natural resource laws in the context of large-scale corporate and development transactions. She has served on the Board of Directors of the International Women’s Forum Leadership Foundation since 2006. 

Holly has a B.S. from the University of Alabama and a J.D. from Georgetown University.  

Contact: hcannon@conservationfund.org   Phone: 703-908-5805   Office: National Headquarters (VA)