Farm and Wilderness Camp, Vermont
We were able to save this property, after years of effort, by negotiating a land preservation agreement which will be held by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation. The property enhances a local, state and federal initiative that protects a vital wildlife corridor encompassing approximately 20,000 acres between the north and south units of Green Mountain National Forest and various state owned parcels.
Now this natural area will continue to be used by Farm & Wilderness for educational and recreational activities during youth summer camps and will remain open for public recreation including hunting and hiking.
“The unique features of the Farm & Wilderness forest make its permanent protection and conservation so important,” said Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy. “Farm & Wilderness is special for the experience that it offers children every summer and throughout the year learning new skills while enjoying Vermont’s natural beauty, but this forest also serves as an important wildlife habitat in the Plymouth Valley. The many generations of families who have attended Farm & Wilderness camps over the years will be able to return and again visit these beautiful natural forest communities of rich northern hardwoods that will remain the legacy of all, on into the future.”