For the truly adventurous paddlers, the SECT also provides a connection between two well-known regional trails: the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail that stretches from Virginia to Delaware and the Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail, which extends from the Georgia-Florida border all the way around the state to the west end of the Florida panhandle. What could be called the ‘Appalachian Trail of water trails,’ boaters can now follow these three regional trails for approximately 5,275 miles through nine states.  

The Fund’s Work

To create this one-stop tool for boaters, the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) teamed up with a number of agencies, including the Fund.  Our work focused on the North Carolina section of the trail. The Fund’s Justin Boner, Real Estate Director for North Carolina, went out and helped map points for lodging, access, supplies and other points of interest along the North Carolina coast for the map. Boner is excited for what this new resource offers: ”The new Southeast Coast Saltwater Paddling Trail website is a comprehensive resource that will not only make planning a trip by boat within or between states much easier for avid paddlers, it will also provide useful information for outdoor-lovers of all ages to get out and enjoy recreational boating in the Southeast.”

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