Type of Place

Bird Watching

Our projects across the country often conserve critical bird habitat, providing the space they need for wintering, breeding, and resting along migratory journeys. Hundreds of bird species migrate across the nation each year, and the land and water where they have historically rested along the way is being developed and ultimately destroyed.  We're working to protect and restore some of these remaining spaces so birds can continue their journeys safely, and so that avid bird watchers can enjoy their beauty — from national wildlife refuges to their own backyards.


Indian River Land Trust, Florida

Indian River Land Trust, Florida

Florida’s picturesque Indian River Lagoon attracts a third of Florida’s endangered manatees, 350 species of birds, thousands of animal and...
Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

Internationally recognized for the importance of its wetlands, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, at the tip of the Alaskan peninsula,...
John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge

John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge

Located on the shores of Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, the John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge was established...
Joyce Wildlife Management Area

Joyce Wildlife Management Area

For more than two decades, the Fund has been working to protect and restore Louisiana’s coastal wetland and associated upland habitats, like...
Lackawanna Highlands

Lackawanna Highlands

The Lackawanna Highlands project in northeastern Pennsylvania follows a trend across the country of vast privately-owned working forests in...
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

The elusive and solitary ocelot, a small wild cat with markings similar to a leopard or jaguar, once roamed...
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

Located deep in the Rio Grande Valley at the southeastern tip of Texas along the Rio Grande River and...
Liberty Hill

Liberty Hill

Thirty miles northeast of Columbia, SC, is Lake Wateree, a 13,000-acre lake created in 1920 with the construction of...
Mispillion Harbor

Mispillion Harbor

Does saving one mile make a difference?  At Mispillion Harbor it does. Mispillion is a critical stopover for the...
Oconee National Forest

Oconee National Forest

Did you know that forestry is the largest manufacturing sector in Georgia? Forests are a critical part of the state’s...
Optimizing Farmland Protection in Baltimore County

Optimizing Farmland Protection in Baltimore County

With one of the nation’s most established farmland preservation efforts, Baltimore County in 2006 reached a major milestone: preserving...
Pisgah National Forest

Pisgah National Forest

Rushing waterfalls and melodious birdcalls lift the deep quiet of Pisgah National Forest in the Appalachian Mountains. In 2009, we...
Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge

Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge

Established in 1996, the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is the newest of four refuges that make...
Reed Forest

Reed Forest

Forests dominate Maine’s landscape, blanketing 90 percent of the state1 and weaving into every fabric of its identity. More than...
Rocky Fork, Tennessee—completely protected for generations to enjoy

Rocky Fork, Tennessee—completely protected for generations to enjoy

The nearly 10,000-acre Rocky Fork property was once the largest unprotected tract of land in the Southern Appalachians. Located...
San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge

San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge

Our passion for conservation means we’re dedicated to saving land—no matter how complex the project. That’s why, over the...
San Juan Island National Historical Park

San Juan Island National Historical Park

Located in the waters between Vancouver Island to the west and Washington State to the east – and  just a short...
Sax-Zim Bog

Sax-Zim Bog

The mix of spongy peat land and spruce forest that make up the Sax-Zim Bog in northern Minnesota, just...
Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge

The Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge is the gateway to the Great Lakes and contains one of the largest and...
Silver Lake Wildlife Management Area

Silver Lake Wildlife Management Area

The nearly 8,400-acre Silver Lake Wildlife Management Area sits in the southwest corner of Georgia, near Bainbridge. The Fund...
Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge

Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge

The Fund helps communities save their favorite outdoor places. This was the case in 2011 when a local land...
Strategic Conservation Plan: Blackwater 2100

Strategic Conservation Plan: Blackwater 2100

The vast tidal marshes of the Chesapeake Bay region are an ecological treasure. Nowhere in the Bay are these...
Striving for Thriving: Balancing Nature and Commerce in Transylvania County

Striving for Thriving: Balancing Nature and Commerce in Transylvania County

Tucked among the rolling hills and waterfalls of Pisgah National Forest, Dupont State Forest, and many other recreational destinations,...
Texas Pineywoods Experience

Texas Pineywoods Experience

The Conservation Fund has deep roots in east Texas, where we’ve worked to protect roughly 33,000 acres of Big Thicket...
Tongass National Forest

Tongass National Forest

Though Alaska is a state of great expanse, small places matter. As the critical first project of The Conservation...
Village Creek State Park

Village Creek State Park

The 69-mile long Village Creek is recognized as one of the last free-flowing streams in East Texas. It’s a...
Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

Located about 40 miles south of Mobile, Alabama, Weeks Bay NERR encompasses more than 6,500 acres—of which nearly 5,000...
Woodbury and Hamilton Ridge Forestlands

Woodbury and Hamilton Ridge Forestlands

The continued fragmentation of southern forests because of subdivision, land use changes and development is one of the most...