Carbon and Climate
Our Services
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is critical in addressing climate change and can restore habitat for wildlife too. The Conservation Fund provides emission reductions through carbon projects that address climate change and habitat loss by protecting and restoring America’s forests.All of our carbon projects are real, verifiable, permanent and additional – and only native species to improve natural forest conditions, ensure clean air and water, and support the green economy.
Our improved forest management projects help improve the way forests are harvested. We sell carbon offsets that result from improved operations through projects under the standards of the Climate Action Reserve and California Air Resources Board.
Forest restoration projects focus on restoring native forestlands—mostly on behalf of the US Fish and Wildlife Service—that were deforested before 1990. Carbon reduced from our reforestation projects is either retired or withheld from the carbon market entirely. It cannot be banked, traded or sold by donors in the future.
Five of our reforestation projects have been validated and verified at the gold level under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards—no other group in the nation has as many.
We also provide high quality tree planting projects, in both urban and rural areas, that benefit the climate and add tremendous value for wildlife and people.
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